We are so excited to start showcasing a new #TeacherFeature every Monday so you can learn more about the talented instructors who make our community such a special place. To kick off our first teacher post, here's one of our very first students and very first instructors, Aaron. He became a regular client at our first location 7 years ago and quickly signed up for yoga training. Eager to teach, he messaged the studio applying for a job months before his training even began. We told him to wait and get back to us once it was completed so he did and the rest is history. Not only is he an insanely talented teacher but he is also the creator of Styles Yoga and leads trainings and workshops all over the Capital Region. He a great friend who loves to have a good time but he is also constantly working hard, focusing on his goals and living a life of honesty and integrity. We couldn’t love him more or be more proud to work alongside him and have him on the team. If you haven’t taken Aaron’s class yet, get to The Hot Yoga Spot and take his class! #thehotyogaspot #THYSteam#thyscommunity #albany #cliftonpark#latham #eastgreenbush #saratoga#stuyvesantplaza #capitalregion